There is no specific prostate cancer
cause, however, researchers have identified several
risk factors that seem to accompany the development
of the disease. Knowing prostate cancer risk factors
can help certain men schedule the appropriate testing
at an earlier age and catch the disease, if it develops,
in an earlier stage.
These risk factors are associated
with prostate cancer, but the presence of some, or even
all risk factors, does not warrant the eventual development
of the disease. The Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide
is not intended as a substitute for a consultation with
a primary care physician; PCTG is meant to increase
awareness of the value of early testing for certain
Possible prostate cancer
risk factors include:
- Age
- Family History
- Race
- Diet
- Location
- Occupation
Age is directly related to prostate cancer. As age and the size of the prostate gland increase, so do one's chance of developing the disease.
Family history
of prostate cancer indicates that a man with one or
more first degree relatives has a much higher risk of
developing prostate cancer.
Race seems to either increase or decrease one's chance of developing prostate cancer. African-American men have the highest risk in the United States, followed by Caucasian men, then Hispanic, American Indian, and Asian.
Diets that have
high levels of animal-based fat (i.e. saturated fat),
red meat, and sugar seem to correlate with higher levels
of prostate cancer.
Location may play
a part in prostate cancer risk. Sweden and Canada have
the highest prostate cancer mortality rates, while in
the United States, certain areas, such as the northwest
and Rocky Mountains, have higher rates of the disease.
Occupation may play a role in risk. Farmers, who are exposed to pesticides, mechanics, welders, and other workers, who are exposed to cadmium, may have a higher risk.
The risk factors of location and
occupation are highly debated, while age, family history,
and race are usually grounds for a physician to order
earlier diagnostic testing. Diet tends to be a more
important factor in managing prostate cancer after diagnosis
and is usually cause for early PSA testing. Obesity
and high levels of body fat are usually associated with
heart disease. Men should keep in mind, however, that
what is good for the heart is usually good for the prostate
gland as well.
Prostate Cancer Risk
Remember that there is no specific prostate cancer cause,
but having one or more of the risk factors present may
indicate that some men should consider beginning prostate-specific
antigen (PSA) testing and digital rectal exams (DRE)
at age 40 rather than 50. For information of possible
prostate cancer prevention, please visit the Prostate
Cancer Prevention section in the Prostate Cancer