A pathologist is
a doctor who specializes in interpreting samples from
tissues or bodily fluids and diagnosing a patient based
on the anatomical and functional manifestations. A pathologist
usually works out of a laboratory as a consultant for
doctors who work with patients. In the treatment of
prostate cancer, a pathologist is usually the one determines
the Gleason grade from the samples obtained during the
prostate biopsy. A pathologist is also usually present
for the radical retropubic prostatectomy. During the
procedure, the surgeon will dissect the lymph nodes
on either side of the bladder. A pathologist will examine
the lymph nodes under a microscope for signs of lymph
node metastasis. If the pathologist finds that prostate
cancer has extended to the lymph nodes, the surgery
is stopped because prostatectomy would only force the
patient to undergo the side effects and complications
associated with prostatectomy without experiencing the
benefit of the removal of the prostate cancer.