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Coping With Incontinence From
Prostate Cancer Treatment

A negative stigma is often associated with incontinence, which can be much worse than the physical condition itself. Some men would rather stay at home than risk the embarrassment of having an accident in front of others. This isolation can be detrimental to overall health, leading to depression and a complete withdrawal from social activities. There are management techniques available that help.

After radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, or cryotherapy for prostate cancer, some degree of incontinence is likely to occur. Incontinence is the medical term for the inability to control urination. More often than not it is a temporary problem, but for some it can last for years. Incontinence may get worse over time in patients who underwent radiation therapy because cells damaged by radiation cannot repair themselves as well as other cells can.

In healthy men the bladder is controlled by the urinary sphincter muscles at the bladder neck and below the bladder around the urethra. These muscles can be damaged or weakened from prostate surgery or radiation, resulting in the leakage of urine from the bladder.

There are three main types of incontinence. Stress urinary incontinence often occurs in patients who have received prostate cancer treatment. This is an involuntary leakage of urine that happens when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or get up from a seated position. More than 95% of patients regain continence fairly quickly after radical prostatectomy. However it can take up to three years. Two less common types of incontinence for prostate cancer patients include urge incontinence, when you cannot get to the bathroom in time and overflow incontinence, when proper urine flow is disrupted, leaving the bladder constantly full.

Incontinence is not a disgraceful condition. With the right management technique this physical disorder can be treated and frequently cured. If you are incontinent, you should see your doctor about specific treatments that might benefit you. These options may include medications, Kegel exercises, male slings, condom catheters, penile clamps, artificial urinary sphincters, collagen injections, and incontinence undergarments. With these methods you are no longer subjected to a life in isolation.


Medications for Incontinence
Exercises for Incontinence
The Male Sling for Incontinence
The Condom Catheter for Incontinence
Penile Clamps for Incontinence
Artificial Urinary Sphincters for Incontinence
Collagen Injections for Incontinence
Incontinence Undergarments


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